
Sunday, February 08, 2009

this is not helping to lift my mood at all...

this is one of my room's glass window pane.

i returned from work (wearily) and found fragments of glass around my room. and finally discovered that the glass was from my window.

sigh. first thought that came to my mind was, "how unlucky". but now, i think i was lucky not to be in the room when whatever-it-was broke my window. and nothing else is broken in my room. heng ah

now i have a mystery to solve. the hole is about 3 mm big. what do you think is the thing that broke my window? i still can't find any foreign objects. and btw i live opposite a secondary school. my brother and a friend suggest a disoriented bird could have been the culprit. my paranoid self prays it's not a bullet and there won't be another attempt.

what should i do? ask the school? report to town council? or the police?!??


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