I want to be like Jan Morris. I ddidn't know who she is until I read this feature on the Travel section on the Guardian. I think she used to be a journalist who has travelled around the world in her younger days, and she is still travelling to collect materials for her books. Below is her beautiful account of her travel experience post-WWII. When I grow old, I wish to have such recollections of my journeys around the world too.
Here's her story:
Here's her story:
I began travelling professionally soon after the end of the second world war, and I travelled mostly in Europe, where the hyperbole of victory was fading, and disillusion had set in. Seven or eight of Europe's eastern countries, so recently liberated from the Nazis, now found themselves under Soviet oppression, and the so-called iron curtain divided the continent, as Churchill put it, from Stettin to Trieste. Everywhere was shabby. Everything was threadbare. Famous old cities of history lay ravaged, still in ruins.